Our approach to investing is very simplistic and can be described as management driven. It is based on the following:
We need to ascertain ourselves that the entire management team is dynamic, energetic and committed to the success of the business. The professionalism and integrity of the individuals involved must not be questionable.
We allow ourselves to gain a thorough understanding of the industry and the viability of the business. The future potential of the business must be clearly explained, together with thorough sensitivity and risk analyses.
The value attached to the business as well as the financing structure must be supported by the tested assumptions of the business model.
Investment Period
As venture capitalists and private equity managers, our strategy is to be involved with the enterprise for a minimum period of time, and this typically is about 5 to 7 years. After this period we exit the investment by one of the following ways:
• Open market sales
• Sales back to management or the promoters
• Listing on the local exchange
• As per the shareholders agreement
• By way of offer to/from management
Investment Process
We have committed ourselves to delivering an above average return to our investors and in that light, we have a systematic process of investing. This includes and is not limited to: